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Rinpoche has returned to Portland

Good morning!

Rinpoche is once again in residence in Portland. He is currently resting after the long trip from Kathmandu.  He will begin seeing visitors sometime after September 10, 2016.

Please allow Rinpoche time to recover from the trip. After September 10th, you can use the email address on the contact page to request an appointment.  Thank you!

news from pal gyi ling

Rinpoche has been in residence for almost five months, keeping a full daily schedule of public audiences along with monitoring the repair work being done at the monastery,  leading tsok practice on Guru Rinpoche and Dakini feast days each month. and conducting pujas at many local monasteries.  He has also bestowed the Chod empowerment several times and given teachings on Chod and meditation practice, each time offering guidance for practice.

We are happy to announce that repair of the monastery is almost complete. For information on contributing to the rebuilding fund, please see the support page.

We hope to have photographs of some of the pujas and other monastery activities to share soon. As always, please check the monastery gate for the latest information on visiting hours and practice times.  When we have information on empowerments or teachings in advance, we will post it here.


pal gyi ling gonpa repairs underway

pal gyi ling stairs - rebuilding

new steel beams reinforcing the stairs to the second floor

August 6, 2016 Update – Repairs to the monastery have largely been completed. Rinpoche has been conducting public audiences and leading pujas in the main building for approximately two months. Work to restore the paintings in the main shrine hall and the public audience room still needs to be done.

If you would like to support the rebuilding effort, please see this information.

March 23, 2016 Update – We have excellent news: engineers have examined Pal Gyi Ling’s main monastery building, which houses the shrine hall, the main audience room and Rinpoche’s living quarters and said it is safe to repair, rather than replace, the building.

The rebuilding work began this month with the financial support of students and sponsors in Tibet, Nepal, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe and the United States.

Workers are currently removing and rebuilding or replacing damaged portions of the structure and repairing non structural damage. The project includes the addition of steel beams and posts to reinforce walkways, ceilings and walls.

repairs to the outer wall of the courtyard

repairs to the outer wall of the courtyard

In addition to the structural repairs, many of the interior paintings will have to be replaced.  Rinpoche will commission and supervise the painting of new images when he returns to Nepal later this year.

The monastery remains closed to visitors. We will post more information, and photographs, of the rebuilding work as we receive them.

If you would like to contribute to the rebuilding effort, please contact us by email or make a donation by using this link.  Please remember that donations are not tax deductible. Thank you!

repairs to the shrine hall

repairs to the shrine hall

chenrezig empowerment

Rinpoche will be visiting the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association in Portland on November 28th and 29th. On the 28th, he will lead White Mahakhala practice and on the 29th he will give a Chenrezig empowerment and lead Chod practice.

Find more information can be found at the Tibetan Cultural Association website.

rinchen trengwa retreat

Rinpoche will visit Tara Mandala Retreat Center in Colorado on December 15-21, 2015 to give the Chod empowerment and teachings on the Rinchen Trengwa Tsok. The root text was composed by the Third Karmapa and the sadhana was arranged by Karma Chagme.

More information may be found by visiting the Tara Mandala website.