Category Archives: practice

regarding lineage holders

Rinpoche received many questions regarding people who represent themselves as Rinpoche’s lineage holder or official representative.  Rinpoche asked us to inform everyone that while he has given several students permission to teach and lead Chod practice, he has not empowered anyone as his lineage holder of the Shije, Chod or Longchen Nyingthig traditions. 

Further, Rinpoche did not appoint a “Dharma heir” or “official representative” or authorize any person or organization to raise money or perform other activities in his name. 

chod DVDs are available

we have a new batch of DVDs. These DVDs are an excellent way to learn the Chod practice and melodies by watching Rinpoche perform the practice. Please send an email to for more information.

los angeles and san francisco visits

Rinpoche will be in the Los Angeles area from February 13th through the 22nd and in the San Francisco area from February 23rd through March 1st. He will have time set aside to meet with visitors during this trip. If you would like to make an appointment to see Rinpoche, please send an email, which includes your full name and phone number, to info at lamawangdu dot org.

On March 1st, in Richmond, California, Rinpoche will lead the ritual healing practice called Changbu Gyatsa, also known as Hundred Handprint.

Also on March 1st, in Richmond, California, Rinpoche will offer the empowerment for Dechen Gyalmo (Queen of Great Bliss).

CHÖ practice in March

Rinpoche will be leading Chod practice at the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Center in March. Practice is on Tuesdays and begins promptly at 600PM. Please arrive early so you can be in your place and ready to practice when Rinpoche arrives.

The text is Bellowing Laugh of the Dakinis, arranged by Rinpoche.

You can find more information on the Cultural Center, including the Center’s location here.