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earthquake on may 12th

Nepal was hit with another earthquake at around noon Kathmandu time today. The USGS measured the earthquake at 7.3 and there were at least three strong aftershocks. Rinpoche, his family, monks and staff were not injured and have moved to an outdoor camp. There was new damage to the monastery buildings but we do not know the extent.

Many buildings in Kathmandu were damaged and there are many injuries, both inside and outside the valley. Please keep the people of Nepal and the surrounding areas affected by the earthquakes and their aftermath in your practice and prayers.

The monastery is closed. Please do not try to visit until Rinpoche re-opens it.

earthquake update – monastery closed

Rinpoche has closed the monastery for repairs for approximately one month. It is not safe for visitors to be on the grounds now. Please do not come to the monastery until Rinpoche announces that it is okay to do so.

The Chod empowerment, scheduled for today, was cancelled due damage to the shrine hall. We will post an annoucement when it is rescheduled.

Thank you!

earthquake relief fund

if you would like to make a gift to support Lama Wangdu Rinpoche, the monks and staff of Pal Gyi Ling Monastery and the community of people they are helping, please send an email to We will respond with information on how to make a direct gift.

Please remember that gifts to Lama Wangdu and Pal Gyi Ling are not tax deductible under US law.